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The Hateful Ten report

Ten behaviours that undermine MMC in the UK public sector

The Hateful Ten is based on PhD student Ali Saad's research in Modern Methods of Construction, in collaboration with Leeds Beckett University School of Built Environment, Engineering & Computing. His report aims to present the ten client behaviours

that he believes predict late and non-adopters of construction innovations, through both qualitative and quantitative means, using data from UK public client organisations, MMC organisations, and industry leaders.

Ali Saad

PhD research

Ali began working with YORhub in September 2020 under the guidance and supervision of our YORbuild Framework Programme Manager.
He has been researching how existing project procurement strategies must change to enable effective diffusion of MMC, and investigating the role of contractors in driving such innovation through their commercial and technical approaches in achieving the essential client-supplier alignment. This report aims to guide public client organisations to assess themselves against the ‘hateful ten’ client behaviours that reject a discourse of innovative change, in favour of conventionality.

Download The Hateful Ten here

The Hateful Ten short video

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This report is intended to be an industry research output for an audience from the industry as part of a knowledge dissemination from a larger academic research by Ali M. Saad, towards the award of his PhD degree, funded by YORhub.
This research includes valuable inputs of 179 participants from the industry, public sector, and MMC organisations. Participants were involved at the different project stages and research methods.
Although rigorous attempts have been undertaken to ensure the accuracy of the data cited and utilised in the research underpinning this report, it is important to acknowledge that absolute correctness cannot be guaranteed. Views and arguments within are not necessarily shared by YORhub or Leeds Beckett University.