Procurement process
Lessons learned from previous frameworks helped inform YORconsult2. Its creation included:
- Compliance with The Public Contracts Regulations 2015
- Rigorous quality checking and due diligence
- Consideration of case law relating to frameworks
- The Tender opening was conducted electronically
- Firms assessed first against minimum standards then on price (60%) and quality (40%)
Price assessment was based on:
- Percentage Fee Element (for building projects)
- Hourly Staff Rates
- On-cost
- Multiplier
- Refurbishment Uplift
- Lead Designer Uplift
- Principal Designer Uplift
- Additions for Tender Document Preparation
- Additions for Project Management / Contract Administration / Employers Agent Roles
Quality assessment based on:
- People
- Potential to manage and control costs and progress on call-off projects
- BIM / Soft Landings
- Employment and Skills Method Statement
- Framework Management
Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) codes
Main CPV code: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
For details of other CPV codes used please see OJEU notices detailed above.
NUTS codes