Appleby Frodingham cricket club refurbishment
Scunthorpe-based, Appleby Frodingham cricket club, has a new access ramp and decking for its club house, thanks to support from the YOR4Good initiative.
Galliford Try and its supply chain partners; Moortown, G&H, 4Solutions, SDS and Magills – all working on the redevelopment of the former Scunthorpe Market site, donated £12,500 in materials and labour to complete the work, which included some refurbishment to the club house.
The ramp will allow easier access to the facilities for disabled and elderly users, as well as providing a communal deck area that will give families a suitable space to enjoy cricket matches and supervise their children.
Galliford Try also supported two students on a T level ‘Surveying and Design for Construction’ course at North Lindsey College – involving them in the build as part of their work placement hours and they assisted on the project from concept to completion.
Carly Cassidy and Harvey Nicholaides received praise for their contributions from Rebecca Caunce, Corporate Responsibility Manager at Galliford Try:
“Harvey and Carly have now worked with us for almost a year and have had a genuine impact in their time with us. They have led on a mini project, helped with day-to-day site activities, and even delivered independent toolbox talks to subcontractors. We are hoping to continue to support them in their second year of study and beyond.”